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마이셀럽스 Showroom
영화 > 비밀과 거짓말

비밀과 거짓말 종합 정보


어딘가 이상한 사람들은 윤수를 찾아와 뭔가를 부탁한다. 한편 동진이는 오랫동안 연락이 끊겼던 친구, 현중을 우연히 만난다. 하지만 얼마 뒤 그의 자살 소식을 듣는다. 그런데 그의 목소리가 옆집 윤수의 집에서 흘러나온다. 윤수를 찾아온 동진에게 그 동안 그녀를 찾아왔던 사람들의 비밀과 거짓말을 말한다. (People who come to Yuon-su are desperate and ask her for something. Meanwhile, Yuon-su’s next-door Dong-jin meets Hyun-joong who’s been lost touch with for a long time. Soon after, he finds out that Hyun-joong had committed suicide. Then he hears Hyun-joong’s voice coming out of Yuon-su’s apartment one day. He comes over to Yuon-su’s and Yuon-su reveals secrets and lies of people who have come to her.)연출의도. 비록 비밀과 거짓말이라도 지키고 싶은 진심이 있다면... (I came across so many suicide incidents that there’s even a word “Suicide Syndrome”. Among those who killed themselves, there are famous movie stars and successful business men. But for the most case, they were the people who were pessimistic about their situation. Then I thought how much they must have been through to come to think of ending own life. Some says it’s a coward’s act, but I would say I understand them: if they were truthful enough to keep their secrets and lies)제20회 드레스덴국제단편영화제 국제경쟁부문 (2008, 독일)제31회 상파울로국제영화제 국제단편영화부문 (2007, 브라질)제11회 부천국제판타스틱영화제 (2007)


한국예술종합학교 영상원