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영화 > 울고 있는 여자

울고 있는 여자 종합 정보

울고 있는 여자

Weeping Woman

울고 있는 여자


길가에 있는 한 벤치에 여자가 앉아서 울고 있다. 식당 안에서 밥을 먹던 네 친구는 창밖으로 그 여자를 보며 각각 왜 울고 있는지를 혼자서 상상한다. 궁금해진 그들은 내기를 해서 왜 우는지 물어보기로 결정하는데 울고 있던 여자는 애매한 미소를 지으며 자리를 떠난다.(There’s a woman crying on a bench on the sidewalk. There are four people in a restaurant observing her. They themselves become attached to this woman by trying to understand why she is crying. But they can only use their own life experiences to understand and identify themselves with the woman. So they made a wager to see who was right and ultimately chose someone to go and ask her why she was crying. However, this woman just smiled and left.)연출의도. 누군가를 완벽하게 이해하는 것은 불가능한 일이다. 내 경험과 사고를 대입시켜 그를 해석하려 드는 짓일 뿐. 누군가 절실하게 이야기를 하고 있다하더라도 듣는 이가 관심이 없으면 소귀에 경 읽기가 되는 것처럼 사람은 절대로 자기중심적이다.(To fully understand someone is impossible. One can only guess what another is feeling when they put themselves in their shoes. What one experiences through life to another’sis different, so each individual thought in one’s soul only understands itself to the extent of their own experience. When one cannot understand another’s emotions, saying anything a few hundred times still would not do. There’s a saying in China, "playing a piano for a cow," which means it’s no use to talk to someone who doesn’t understand; which is why I used a cow in the film’s conclusion. From this problem, we can witness the conflict between people and their relationships.)

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