1. Item List Page


  • Item Analysis Status Overview

  • Added Last Week/ Total Movies can be viewed up to 10 weeks prior

  • Item List: List of items in the entire library.

    • Items are listed in descending order upon registration date, but you can adjust the sorting logic (Alphabetical, Number of Keytalk etc.) by clicking on the headers of each column.

    • Items can be faceted with the filter icon on the top right. Facet attributes can be added on if requested.

  • You can visit the item’s online profile by clicking the three dots on the right

  • Status Ticket Types

    • Connected: This means that the item has been successfully connected to Keytalk. The number of connected Keytalk will be displayed on the right column “Connected Keytalk”

    • Disconnected: This means that the item has not been connected to Keytalk. If the item is new and is in a pre-analysis stage, this is completely normal and you can expect to see connected Keytalk post-analysis. If the item doesn’t show connected Keytalk after an analysis, this is normal too. The Keytalk engine will be already collecting data for that item to get Keytalk connected.

2. Item Detail Page


  • Item profile information

    • Release date, Item title, Image etc.

  • with Similar Attributes

    • Other items with similar attributes to the subject item is ranked. Similarity is calculated in consideration with all possible attributes to a subject item, including how users thought and felt about the item.

  • Keytalk List: List of Keytalk mapped to the item.

    • Viewing the list of Keytalk that are marked In Use will simulate Keytalk rankings displayed on the subject item’s profile